Location: 19.17.72N – 110.48.71W anchored in 55Ft,
Weather: light NE winds, a very long 2 feet swell, air temp 78F
We are sharing paradise with other two boats. The visibilty is 80Ft water temperature is 78F as well as the air, blue skies with lots of white in it. The check out dive was done in Fondeadero, second dive in canyon both dives were nice each one had surprises like the tiger shark in Fondeadero along with a manta in the canyon kept delivering adrenaline with the silver tips, galapagos sharks, schooling hammers and the mantas. The guests are super happy and really enjoying the dives, we had a little master plan to do one dive here then the Boiler but there are two other boats out there so I called it off and we are spending the day here. The dives are good and easy for the guests, and they are really enjoying it.
- Captain Beto