Location: Lat 18 46.46N Long. 110 54.7W
Weather: Mostly cloudy skies, NE wind 15+ kts with gusts 20+ kts; NE windswell 1-4 ft. Water Temperature 25C. Visibility 80-90 ft No current.
Status: At Socorro, Cabo Pearce
Today at Cabo Pearce we have had 2 good dives so far. On the first dive we had a pod of 7 dolphins that were swimming around the divers, 1 Manta that stayed with one group for most of the dive and 2 hammerheads. On the second dive there was more of the same but this time there were 3 Mantas that were going back a forth with the guests and a pod of 10 dolphins. All of the guests are really happy cause finally they could dive with some Mantas. Underwater conditions are great, much better visibility around 90 ft and 25C water temp and no current.
– Captain Vicente