Location: At anchor at The Boiler, on 110 ft depth Pos. Lat 19 19.69N Long. 110 48.75W
Weather: Sunny Day Winds NNE 10-14 kts; Seas NNE 2-4 ft Water Temp 25C. Visibility 50-60 ft Mild current to South
Today at the Boiler all guests wanted to come here and dive before we depart back to Cabo. We arrived this morning from Roca and Rocio del Mar was here. We have had good dives though. Mantas, Dolphins, and some Galapagos sharks. First dive a black manta appeared after the first 10 min of the dive and stayed for the rest of the dive with our divers. Second dive a chevron manta that came close just pass among one group of divers and then went away. Later a couple of dolphins passed nearby the divers and then another 2 dolphins joined them. Two more dives to go to finish this great trip. Yesterday at Roca Dives became a bit slow as the afternoon there was not too much action, just a couple of solitary Galapagos and some black jacks. Guests and crew doing great.
Captain Vicente