Location: 19° 17.7’ N / 110° 48.5’, San Benedicto Island “The Canyon.”
Weather: Wind: E 6-10 kts, Seas: E 0-2 ft. Clear sky.
Status: Visibility is good around 25-30 meters, light current to the W and temperature around 78 F.
Yesterday dives in Roca became slow no too much to see, some sharks as always, people ask to move to San Ben. We arrive this morning to the canyon because there are two boats in the boiler. Our guests almost cry after the first dive, manta, hammers and dolphins at the same time. The second dive was good too, with 3 mantas, one black and two chevron, a few hammerheads and good shark action on the receiver. All guests are doing good.
-Captain Gilberto