Weather: Winds NE 18-22knt, Swell E 1-2ft , Patchy Clouds with blue skies
Winds are strong through out the Revillagigedos. We arrived last night. We dove Fondadero and Manta Highway this morning and had some nice encounters. The very first group of the day had a pod of eight dolphins come right up to them while the other two group were able to see a large manta with several jacks following it. Second dive was even better. The first two group had three mantas with white tips and jacks while the last group had a playful manta at the end of their dive with a hammerhead passing over their head in the middle of the dive. We are diving Canyon for our last two dives of the day in hope to find more hammerheads for the guest. Over all we are doing very well for the first day of diving with good encounters.
-Captain Lowel