Location: 19° 17.8’N / 110 ° 48.4’ W San Benedicto Island “the canyon”
Weather: Wind:8-12 kts NE seas: 2-4 ft NE. Open sky. Medium current to the N, visibility around 30-35 mts and water temperature around 25-26C.
Beautiful morning here in the canyon, today we start the check dive in fondeadero, good dive for all the groups, one of the groups could see a school of hammerheads (50+), the rest could see a black manta and two chevron mantas, some silvertips and galapagos. The second dives was good too, they could see a few of hammerheads, silvertips galapagos and another two mantas (chevron). Smooth sailing in our heading south today. All guests & crew are doing great.
- Captain Gilberto