Location: 18° 46.6’N / 110 ° 54.6’ W Socorro Island “Cabo Pearce”
Weather: Wind:4-8 kts N seas: 2-4 ft. Overcast sky. Light current to the S, visibility around 15 mts, water temperature around 25 C.
Yesterday we finished in Roca Partida, good dives especially the last one, one chevron manta appears and one group of divers could see her. Guests want to move, from Roca. Today we arrived to Cabo Pearce, first dive was good, two groups saw a big female tiger shark and one of the groups saw some dolphins passing by, one Chevron and one black manta on the first dive too. The second dive they could see two Chevron mantas and two black mantas, one of them stay all the safety stop. We are going to do one more dives here and then move to the navy base to do the check in, silky snorkel on the evening and after dinner move to San Benedicto for our last dive day. Guests & crew are doing great.
- Captain Gilberto