Location: ship’s position 18° 46.5’N / 110 ° 54.6’ W Socorro Island “cabo pearce”
Weather: Wind:6-10 kts N, seas: 4-6 ft N. Overcast sky
Yesterday we had a good day at the boiler, “mantastic” our guests said! 4 or five mantas all the dive with them the last two dives, everybody was fascinated. Yesterday we moved to Socorro (cabo pearce) the first dive was very good, strong current to the S, temperature around 76 F. Our divers are in the water right now but in the first dive they saw a group of hammerheads, 3 chevron mantas and one black manta. A good day for cabo pearce. After our third dive we will move to the navy base for the check in and then move to punta tosca for the silky snorkel. After that we start moving to roca partida.
- Captain Gilberto