Location: 18.59.33N – 112.05.08W
Weather: cloudy day, 6 Kts Nw breeze, air temperature 74F, water temperature 76F, visibility 100Ft, light current to the south.
Status: anchored in 250Ft
The action has been really good, there is plenty of sea life including the dancing mantas that have been the highlight of the morning. Yesterday on the third dive a 20 foot whale shark showed up and the guests went crazy. They wanted some more of Roca Partida, so here we are. The humpback whales keep popping up in different places sometimes north of the rock and other times south. Everyone is hoping for the whales to come to the rock. This morning along with the mantas a mobula ray came, it was friendly so the guests could have a good look at it.
– Captain Beto