Location: 18° 59.4’N / 112° 04.8’ W
Weather: Wind:0-4 kts NNW, seas: 0-2 ft N, swell 4-6 ft N. Overcast sky. Visibility 30 meters and water temperature 24 C
Status: Roca Partida
Yesterday we finished very good, a lot of manta action here at Roca, but the cherry on the top of the last dive was a whale shark! On the first dive we had 3 mantas, a lot of cottonmouth jacks, galapagos, silvertips and some hammerheads. The second dive was good too with 4 mantas, a school of tuna and some very big lonely tunas separated from the school, galapagos, silver tips and ten hammerheads. Everybody is waiting for the humpback whales. They passed really close to the rock.
– Captain Gilberto