Captain’s Noon Report – Under Sea – 2020-01-27

Location: San Benedicto Island
Weather: Winds NE 8-10 Swell, Water Temperature 25c, Visibility 50-80ft
Status: Canyon, San Benedicto Island

Dolphins greeted us last night inside the bay of the Canyon dive site. The water was alive with flying fish skipping across the water followed by a plethora of predators. Silky sharks, jacks and dolphins all vied for the winged fish. The dolphins were so active that they were jumping out of the water next to the vessel as we were anchoring. The guests loved it! Today has started out well, all guests in the water and checking their weighting. Descending down into the blue, guests were treated to a display of large galapagos sharks around the cleaning station. Usually we have a good number of silver tips circling around the rock mound but today galapagos sharks have been passing by very close and not showing any signs of worry. Some silver tips linger in the back seascape. Hammerheads were at the top of sharks to view today for the guests and almost everyone was able to see at least 3 or 4 on the dive. A group had a manta passing by in the distance. The second dive was more galapagos and hammerheads that were coming in and out. A few mantas made the round as one group hung out with a manta gliding over them for 10 minutes.
– Captain Lowel

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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