Location: ship’s position 19° 17.7’N / 110 ° 48.6’ W San Benedicto Island (Fondeadero)
Weather: Wind:2-4 kts NW seas: 0-2 ft NW. Overcast sky
Yesterday we arrived to San Benedicto we spend a really nice night. Today in the morning all guest were happy and excited for the first dive (checkout dive) that was nice. At the first dive light current to the N, visibility around 25 mts, water temperature between 25-26 degrees, good first dive today, two chevron mantas and one black manta and some white tips sharks, second dive was also good, less visibility (15 mts) but good dive, one juvenile chevron manta, one big galapagos and one adult chevron manta, one of the groups could see five hammerheads.
- Captain Gilberto