Location: Roca Partida
Weather: Winds From E to NE 8-15knots Seas NNE 5-7ft Vis 80 Water Temp 24 It’s raining… It’s pouring… But the diving isn’t boring.
Arrived early morning and over the night he had some rain!!! Nothing too heavy but constant. The rain stopped pouring this morning with scattered showers now with gusts of winds. Humpback whales have been breaching with pec and tail slapping.Under water has been fantastic. Hammer heads, two black mantas and dolphins have been seen on each of the first two dives. The school of hammerheads encircled one of our dive groups and continually engulfed the group for a few minutes. The mantas were very friendly. Big tuna barreled through the dive site. Divers are really happy. The boiler wasn’t very good yesterday. Three dives with limited interactions. We moved to Canyon for the last dive and had more hammer heads and a good number of other sharks. Weather has been mixed. All guests are doing great.
- Captain Lowel