Captain’s Noon Report – Belle Amie – 2020-02-11

Weather: Winds NW 15, Seas WNW 3-5 ft, Visibility 100ft, Water Temperature 75f
Status: Boiler, San Benedicto

Diving has been epic. Five mantas with hammer heads and dolphins on the first dive. The guests have had so many mantas this trip already they decided to venture off the plateau a little further to look for sharks. The were rewarded handsomely. Massive Galapagos sharks in a small school of 10 drifted by with some hammerheads mixing together. One guest came up after the dive so impressed with the size of Galapagos sharks that he thought it was a school of tiger sharks. The mantas were present once again and stayed with the guests for most of the dive. The first group was able to see a dolphin race past. On the surface a pod of false killer whales were on the move from the west to the north and at the end of the dive they came back under the dinghy on the pick up of the divers. Some guests were able see them fly by.
– Captain Lowel

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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