Location:Lat N 18 46.58, Long W 110 54.59, Socorro island; Cabo Pearce
Weather: Visibility 80 ft, temperature 77 F
Yesterday the last dive in Punta Tosca was the best of the day with 3 friendly mantas at least 40 min playing with our divers. Today we are in Cabo Pearce and our guests are tasting a delicious lunch after two amazing dives. First dive visibility around 80 ft, temperature 77 F, and light current to the N, Our divers saw a couple of dolphins, two chevron and one black manta circling all the area during the dives. On the second dive the conditions changed a little, visibility get low to 40 ft. water temperature 74 F and the current increase to a moderate to the N, same with the mantas, almost all the dive two chevron and one black with our guests but the plus in this dives were the hammerheads, big school of hammerheads came and went 5 times, guests said probably around 30 or more hammerheads.
-Captain Gilberto