One of the most exciting things to find here in revillagigedo, as a divemaster, are the schools of hammerheads. They can be potentially seen on every dive site, really, but it is an art to find the right place, depending on where the current comes from, how the fish are aligned, which depth to go and where to look. Then comes a factor of chance: the current have to be right, and the animals have to be there too! but when you find them, and you can show a school of hammerhead to the guests, it a very rewarding moment! Yesterday in Roca partida, the divers were dreaming to find schooling hammerheads and we did! more than they could count. and not too deep, about 85 feet deep, just a 150feet from the rock, in perfect visibility. Always a truly magic moment and a blast to share with the divers!
Divemaster Yann, Nautilus Belle Amie