Location: Canyon, SanBenedicto
Weather: Winds NNE 15 Swell E 1-3ft Vis 80 ft Water Temp 75f
Bumpy ride back from Roca Partida yesterday but managed to get a good night sleep when we anchored at the Canyon last night just before midnight. We are doing four dives today and we have been over run by encounters of hammerheads. Every diver has had their fair share of schools of hammer heads and small groups swimming by. The first dive had a massive tuna hunting around our group with it actually getting a fish and tearing it apart. No mantas as of yet. Hoping they come by this afternoon and top the trip off with our featured creature. We have had a few whales around as well. Guests are anxiously waiting for the whale and it’s calf to float by. We have had so many different sightings this week. False killer whales racing in open ocean at Cabo Pearce to humpbacks this morning tandemly breaching just 200 feet from the boat this morning and our whale sharks sighting yesterday at Roca. We haven’t missed our manta time too. They have been around but another chance to say good bye would be nice. The winds are changing and getting warmer. Longer days mean more times to be in the water. Keep diving and enjoying life. Temps good for everyone. All guests are having a great time.
- Captain Lowel