Weather: Sunny and hot, Wind light from the ESE, Seas mostly calm, Water temp 18-21 C, Visibility 3-10 m
Status: Las Animas
We arrived at 0630 after an easy run up from La Reyna and have completed two dives here today. The water is much colder and greener up here compared to La Reyna, but for the most part, people are still enjoying the diving. We’ve seen some sea lions around and a couple of turtles. The highlight was a big pod of dolphins that were cruising by the island just as dive 2 ended. We took two inflatables out and tried to snorkel with them. We did get a quick encounter with them before they carried on with their feeding. This afternoon we’re going to focus more on the area with the sea lions and have some easy, playful diving hopefully.
– Captain Daniel