Captain’s Noon Report – Explorer – 2020-11-22

Location: Boiler ; 19.19.663N – 110.48.812W
Status: Anchor in 110Ft, wind today blowing 10kts NW,
Weather: air is 84F, water is 84F and visibility is 80Ft

Wow! wow! wow! Four to five mantas at a time in the first dive and second dive was a 60 minutes whale shark dive, this juvenile 20Ft whale shark kept circling the rock to a at point where you just had to stay in one place and let the shark come to you. I have been talking to some of the guests seeing their pictures and videos, having a whale sharks and a manta in the same frame is something amazing. Yesterday on the third and fourth dives, they also saw whale sharks and some say there were two different sharks, also the dolphins came back to the canyon and guests loved it.

-Captain Beto

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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