Captain’s Noon Report-Belle Amie – 2021-01-30

Location: Roca Partida

Weather:100ft + viz, temp 22-23C

We finished strong at Roca yesterday with a really good last dive, lots of sharks and schooling fish. Transit overnight was pleasant and the diving today is excellent. Beautiful 100ft + viz, temp 22-23C, current mild on first dive and moderate on second dive. Two dives done so far with lots of manta lovin’ right from the first minutes, 7+ mantas all wanting some love and attention. Also had some dolphins on the first dive and a big hammerhead on the second dive. Guests are very excited with the diving today.
Planning two more dives here, then head to the canyon for dinner.

-Captain Gordon

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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