Captain’s Noon Report – Under Sea – 2021-02-24

Location: Underway to Cabo San Lucas, Position 22°04.700′ N 110°04.497’W

Weather: Clear blue skies, with moderate wind from N (7-10 kts), we have the swell coming from the NW(1-3 ft).

Yesterday the last dive was amazing , we finish the day with Mantas , hammerheads, white tips, we could see almost everything!, there is only one word to describe this trip “SPECTACULAR” most of our guests were saying this when they came out of the water, and for sure I will never forget this word. After that as soon as we finished picking up the skiff we picked up the anchor and we started departing to Cabo San Lucas. We had the cheese and wine on the sun deck and all our guests were so happy about the good atmosphere that we made on the sun deck. Today it has been a good day, the sea is really good, the sun is so good, and now our guests are resting and they are having a good time.

  • Captain Ramon

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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