Captain’s Noon Report – Belle Amie – 2021-03-09

Location: At Roca Partida today. Beautiful day with 5-10 kts from NNW and a long 5-6′ swell from the NW. Vessel laying with the wind and swell so very comfortable.

Weather: Partly cloudy day

We spent the afternoon at the Boiler yesterday, there were a few mantas around and divers enjoyed it. We then had taco night back at the Canyon and got underway for Roca after that. When we arrived it was just us and the NEX. Our two dives here at Roca today have been great. First dive there was a manta or two around, some divers got some lovin’, others not. On dive 2 there were 4 mantas around and all the divers came up happy with their manta interaction. Also the usual suspects around, lots of white-tips, some big tunas, schooling jacks, galapagos, silver-tip and silkies! Conditions beautiful with 80-100ft viz, mild current and water 23C. Based on the forecast it looks like we’ll only have today here at Roca and will head for Pta Tosca tomorrow. Calling for 9ft and 15-20kts here at Roca tomorrow. All guests and crew doing good.

  • Captain Gordon

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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