Captain’s Noon Report – Belle Amie – 2021-03-20

Location: Punta Tosca

Weather: Sunny day, clear sky, wind from North 12 kts and calm seas at anchorage.

Status: Water temperature was 24 C, Visibility around 24 meters.

On dive number one guest saw a few dolphins, one hammerhead, lots of lobsters and a tiger shark, during this dive current was light from East. On dive two a few dolphins were spotted again, and a chevron manta got in the scene and guests got the opportunity to see it, and some saw a turtle. As usual here, humpback whales were singing during the dives and at our arrival they were swimming on surface.

  • Captain Ramon

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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