Noon Report-Nautilus Explorer – 2021-04-25

Location:Anchored at San Benedicto (The Canyon)

Status:49 Ft of water below us and 2.5 shackles of chain out in the water.

Weather:Viz 35-45 Ft and water temp 23C.

Warm morning at San Benedicto, calm wind and seas. Sky partially clouded but cleared as the day got older. Our first dive of the day we did off the dive platform. Divers encountered few octopuses, lobsters, white tips and usual reef fish. No issues with divers during the buoyancy check dive. It was all good. The second dive we dropped divers at Manta Rock. Divers encountered Galapagos sharks, silky sharks, hammerhead sharks, silver tip sharks, white tip s harks and  chevron manta. Viz and water temp remained the same.

-Captain Hernan

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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