Captain’s Noon Report – Explorer – 2021-04-28

Location: Hernan

Anchored at Cabo Pearce. 94 Ft of water below us and 2.5 shackles of chain out in the water. Beautiful morning at Cabo Pearce, calm wind and sea at the anchorage area. Cloudy sky. Yesterday on our last dive, divers encountered a whale shark that stayed with them for most of the dive. On our first dive of the day, we skiffed and dropped divers at the inner side of the lava finger. Divers encountered a manta and usual reef fish. Viz was from 40-50 Ft and water temp around 22C. The second dive was awesome, with at least 8 Mantas and lots of dolphins. All divers surfaced with a happy face. Viz improved 50-60 Ft and water temp improved 24C.

  • Captain Hernan

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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