Captain’s Noon Report – Under Sea – 2021-05-18

Location: 19.17.720N – 110.48.568W anchor sits in 50Ft of water.

Sunny windy day, winds runs 8-10 kts NW, long 1-foot swell. The weather is getting better as time goes by. Air temperature is 76F, water temperature today is 75F, average visibility is 60 feet and getting better as the swell dies down. Check out dive in Fondeadero was good, lots of fish. Some saw a tiger shark, a couple of hammerheads. Then, the second dive at The Canyon was even better, with loads and loads of hammerhead sharks, galapagos sharks, the silvertip sharks and few white tip sharks. A handful of people were able to see a chevron manta and while on their safety stop the silky sharks showed up. Guests are excited and happy, all of them are doing well underwater.

  • Captain Beto

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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