Captain’s Noon Report – Gallant Lady – 2021-05-19

Location: Bahia of La Paz

Today we are in the Bahia of La Paz, between Espiritu Santo and the mainland Baja, searching for orcas and mobulas with air support. Lots of action in the bay here. We’ve seen a couple of big pregnant whale sharks, big pods of dolphins, a blue whale, a few other whales including a humpback, minke, and possibly other species. Also, a lot of mobulas can be seen jumping. Guests got to snorkel with the whale shark yesterday, and also did a late afternoon dive at San Rafaelito. Right now the RHIB with guests is tracking a whale, possibly a blue whale. They’ve seen it swim right by the RHIB and they are going to work on possibly getting into the water with it. Guests are doing well and in good spirits. We have one more day tomorrow of air-supported searching and then on the last day, they would like to dive in Pulmo. Tomorrow we may try searching around Ventanas and Bahia de Los Muertos for the big schools of mobulas.

  • Captain Gordon Kipp

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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