Captain’s Noon Report – Under Sea – 2021-05-20

Location: Roca Partida – 18.59.293N – 112.04.818

The anchor sits in 240Ft. Cloudy skies, the weather has gotten better. 8 kts NW winds, long 4-6 footer NW swell. The air temperature is 74F and the ocean is 75F. Visibility averages 80Ft. The action was good in the first dive, then the second one was kind of mellow. In the morning dive the silvertips, sharks, silkies, galapagos were all around the rock. The balconies were full of white tip reef sharks, jacks were happy and playing, trying to stay together for protection, scaping from the sharks and tunas. Guests enjoying themselves. On the second dive, the current picked up a little running to the NW KVH.

  • Captain Beto

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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