Captain’s Noon Report – Explorer – 2021-05-22

Location: Cabo Pearce

Status: 115 Ft of water below the keel and 3 shackles of chain out in the water

Weather: 22C Visibility 40-55 ft.

Beautiful morning at Cabo Pearce. Clear blue sky with calm wind and seas. Our first dive we skiffed and dropped divers at the inner side of the lava finger, divers encountered 1 Black Manta, 2 Chevron Mantas, Hammerheads, Dolphins, Galapagos, Silver tips, White tips, and usual reef fish. Water was a bit chilly for the first dive around 22C and viz was from 40-55 Ft. The second dive we skiffed and dropped divers at the inner side of the lava finger, divers encountered 1 chevron manta, 1 black manta and usual reef fish. Viz and water temp remained the same for the second dive. All guests are happy and doing great!

Captain Herna

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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