Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2021-06-07

Location: Anchored at The Fondeadero

Weather: High Wind (15-18kts) and N Current

Yesterday: We finished our dive at The Boiler and it was insane. We encountered so many manta rays, turtles, Galapagos sharks – the dive was amazing and all of our guests were so happy. After we finished with the activities, we picked up the anchor and moved to The Fondeadero where we had dinner and spent the night anchored here. 

Today: The first dive here at The Canyon was beautiful. Our divers encountered three mantas rays, hammerheads sharks and Galapagos sharks. 

Water Temperature: 25°C

Visibility: 55ft

On the second dive, one group spent all their whole dive swimming with a huge black manta. We could see hammerhead sharks, silky sharks, Galapagos sharks and an octopus. The visibility underwater improved a little bit.

Water Temperature: 25°C

Visibility: 60ft

  • Captain Julio

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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