Captain’s Noon Report – Explorer – 2021-06-16

Location: Anchored at The Boiler

Weather: Clear Sky, Calm Wind and Smooth Sea

Beautiful morning at San Benedico. Our checkout dive at the Fondeadero was just amazing. From the start, we had a dolphin and two manta rays swimming around us which is one of the most beautiful ways to start a day of diving at San Benedicto. We saw some Galapagos sharks too. Then we picked up the anchor and we sailed directly to The Boiler. 

The second dive was beautiful too. We had three manta rays (who were very friendly with us), three hammerhead sharks and some Galapagos sharks. Our plan is to finish the dives here and then sail directly to Socorro Island.

Water Temperature: 25°C

Visibility: 70ft

  • Captain Julio

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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