Captain’s Noon Report – Belle Amie – 2021-06-20

Location: Anchored at Cabo Pearce

Weather: Cloudy, N Wind (5kts) and S Swell (2-3ft) 

On our first dive, some groups saw hammerhead sharks but all of the groups saw two giant manta rays, whitetip sharks, silvertip sharks, many lobster and tuna.

Water Temperature: 24°C

Visibility: 15m

The second dive was much better since there was no current. Two groups saw a pod of dolphins and the rest of our groups saw silky sharks, more hammerhead sharks, at least three different manta rays, tuna, morays and plenty of reef fish. Our plan is to have dinner and then move to Punta Tosca. 

Water Temperature: 23°C

Visibility: 15m

  • Captain Ramon

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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