Location: En Route to La Reina
Weather: Clear Sky, N Wind (5-10kts) and Swell (1ft)
Guests were in the RHIB from around 07:45am to 10:00am looking for mobula rays in the Bahia de Los Muertos. We did find some although no big schools. Guests still enjoyed some snorkel time with the small groups. Our ETA for La Reina is 13:00pm, and we will do one, possibly two dives if the diving is good. After the dive, we will start heading south, looking for animals as we go, and end up at Los Frailles sometime late tonight. Doing two dives tomorrow morning in Pulmo and will spend our last afternoon looking for more mobula rays down that way.
Yesterday afternoon we didn’t have any luck finding the orcas but we did find a pod of bottlenose dolphins and all the guests were able to get some good in-water action with them. After that, a megapod of common dolphins showed up that were really fun to watch from the Gallant Lady and the RHIB. They were not interested in the snorkelers though.
- Captain Gordon