Captain’s Noon Report – Belle Amie – 2021-08-10

Location: Anchored at Guadalupe Island

Weather: NNE Swell (2-3ft), NE Wind (10-12kts) and Clear Sky

The action continued for us yesterday afternoon, with at least six sharks circling the boat at all times. Guests loved every second of it. In all, it was a perfect day. This morning our action started slowly again, with just one shark making very occasional passes at the bait. But just like yesterday, the action picked up around 10:00am. Multiple sharks making constant passes by all cages as they set up for attacks on the baits. Great visibility, good light and plenty of sharks! On my last submersible cage drop I counted at least eight individuals, possibly ten. Doesn’t get much better than this! As always, the guests are loving it. 

Visibility: 130ft

Water Temperature: 71°F

  • Captain Shep

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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