Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2021-08-16

Location: Guadalupe Island

Weather: Clear Sky, NW Wind and NW Swell (2-3ft)

We finished our cage diving yesterday on a very high note. Sharks everywhere! it is likely that we had over a dozen individuals. Conditions were fantastic and all guests had more opportunities to get face-to-face with the animals. Everybody seems extremely happy with their time onboard and the crew received a standing ovation at dinner last night. Transit has been relatively calm for the night, with 3-6′ fairly long period swell and light winds. Right now we are entering Todos Santos Bay on final approach to Ensenada for an on-time 1400 arrival to the dock. 

  • Captain Shep

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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