Location: Isla Guadalupe
Weather: Overcast, Light Wind (5-10kts), and NNE Swell (1-2ft)
We completed our transit and arrived at anchorage last night around 2100. Lots of great energy from the guests. Everybody was very excited for the morning.
And the morning did not disappoint! As soon as we started throwing bait in the morning we had sharks making approaches. More than one partial breach within the first hour or so. And for the rest of the morning, we have had a fairly constant show, with multiple sharks making leisurely passes by all cages and occasional runs at the bait. The sharks are pretty mellow really, but there have been at least five different individuals in the area this morning and all guests have had fantastic views so far.
Visibility: 80-120ft
Water temperature: 71°F
- Captain Jon Shephard