Location: Guadalupe Island
Weather: Clear Skies, ENE Light Breeze (5kts), and NNE Swell (2-3ft)
Yesterday afternoon slowed down compared to the morning, with about a 2.5 hour period with no activity at all. But after the sun lowered behind the island the activity fired right back up, with sharks appearing out of nowhere to strike at the bait. Pretty sure they know when we can’t see them coming! We were able to end the day on a very high note. I led shark ID in the salon, but it was a tough game as nobody submitted any pictures. But we were still able to get three sharks identified. Hoping that there are more photo contributions for the slideshow.
Today has been the best day of the trip so far. Shark activity started on the surface almost as soon as we started tossing bait, and on the second dive of the morning, we’re pretty sure we spotted eight-ten different individuals, including three very large females and the smallest white shark I’ve ever seen. she was less than six feet for sure. Just cruised past once at the very edge of the activity. Great conditions, with just a little bit of surface motion. Everybody is loving it. We will wrap up activities here at 1630 and prep for a 1730 departure for the return transit. Conditions for the northbound seem pretty decent, so we shouldn’t have any delays getting home.
Visibility: 100ft+
Water temperature: 65°F
- Captain Jon Shephard