Location: Socorro
Weather: Sunny Skies, NW Wind (12kts), N Swell (2-4ft)
The day is beautiful, the sun is bright clear skies, guests in good mood with the two-morning dives, as they saw mantas, hammerheads, Galapagos, and white tip sharks. The mantas are very active getting clean and the Clarion angels are busy taking care of the mantas, some of the guests are excited about working on their pictures because that is what they wanted to get the mantas getting clean by clarions, also on the first dive they got the dolphins and yellowfin tunas chasing after the baitfish, some of the dolphins stop and came to check the divers up to then keep on with the chasing.
Just outside the anchorage the wind is stronger and is going opposite ways from the current so the surface is a bit choppy, some of the guests still struggle with gear and diving some very new divers.
Water temperature: 80°F
Visibility: 80ft
- Captain Beto