Location: Punta Tosca
Weather: Clear Skies, NNW Wind (10-15kts), Swell (1-3ft)
We completed two more dives at Roca Partida yesterday afternoon. Both were pretty quiet, though guess enjoyed them. There were quite a few white tips on the balconies and a few scattered silvertips off in the deep. The yellowfin tunas were out on the hunt and the jacks are schooling up. Good visibility and mild conditions so made for a good day of diving.
We got underway last night around 2100 for Isla Socorro, where we anchored this morning at Punta Tosca. The dives so far this morning have been decent. Dive one had one manta seen by most groups and a couple of hammerheads off in the blue near the transmitter. The second dive was slower, with just one or two distant hammerheads and no mantas. Still, this site is entertaining with the topography and the corals. Lots of reef fish. Divers are enjoying the day. We will do one more dive here and then get underway for the Navy Inspection, finishing the day with silky snorkel at Cabo Pearce.
Water temperature: 77°F
Visibility: 50-70ft
- Captain Jon Shephard