I love dolphins and many people had recommended Socorro as the trip for up close and personal interaction with dolphins. We have been truly spoiled with the diving on this trip – many mantas and a once-in-a-lifetime experience of 40 minutes or so with a humpback whale and calf – wow. We’ve done over 1200 dives and never had anything like that before and likely won’t ever have it again. How many people in the world ever have I wonder??? But secretly (okay maybe not so secretly) I greedily still hoped for a dolphin encounter and it hadn’t happened. Our last dive of the trip was at 5 pm and I didn’t really have very high hopes anymore. We heard whalesong close by the whole dive and that would have been good enough. Our dives were usually 45 minutes. At minute 47 of our very last 45-minute dive (!), the dolphins showed up! We played with them with our last air and our last underwater minutes.
Thank you, Socorro!
- Alison, Isle of Man onboard the Nautilus Explorer