Location: Cabo Pearce
Weather: Clear Skies, NW Wind (6kts), Calm Seas
The current was running to the north in the first dive, then to the south on the second dive, divers were amazed by the number of mantas and the interaction with them, a group of divers saw a huge school of hammerhead sharks, dolphins cruised by no giving chances to the divers to get pictures, they also say the whales singing kept them hoping for a surprise, me in the skiff seeing the whales going back and forth close to the bubbles but not close enough for guests to see them, also out in the horizon a white thing floating, I went to check it out and saw this piece of blubber is been there probably for few days so is decaying and at least three tiger sharks feasting in the pour dead whale, we have another couple of dives to go and guests are apprehensive to see what else comes by.
Water temperature: 75°F
Visibility: 75ft
- Captain Beto