Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2022-04-02

Location: Fondeadero

Weather: Clear Skies, NNW Wind (3-5kts), NNW Swell (1-3ft)

We arrived at Fondeadero yesterday at 2230 hrs, as soon as we arrived we dropped the anchor and we spent the night at anchor there.

Today we started the day diving at 0800 for our warm-up dive, all guests were able to check their weights and buoyancy, as soon as they jumped from the platform they saw a manta on the surface as well many sharks were in a depth of 10 meters for this divers this is an amazing experience, the thing we the free dive is the conditions of the dive that’s why is so important keep monitoring the current, fortunately, the current was not so bad and they could dive at least 1 hour, so for the next dive we moved the ship to the Boiler, the current is not bad here and the marine life is very good, there are chevron mantas and sharks around.

Water temperature: 75°F

Visibility: 60ft

  • Captain Julio de León

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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