Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2023-03-07

Roca Partida 18.59..554N – 112.04.849W, anchor in 250Ft. today we have a very long period 4Ft NW swell, steady 10kts NW winds, cloudy skies loads of sunlight though, air temperature is 71F.

Ocean today had some weird currents at first coming from the north then kind of stopped to then run again to the same direction, water in first dive had some good 100Ft visibility, but then in second dive it dropped some averaging 80Ft, water temperature is 75F, the action so far is been pretty good, tons of small fish like the cotton mouth and horse eyed jacks they come in huge schools then the big yellow fin tunas, all in the run as a pod of dolphins were harassing the reef in search of food, a manta went by, lots of Galapagos sharks and silkies, some silver tip sharks and the balconies packed up with white tip sharks. One of the guests said he counted 17 dolphins in the pod, Roca is beautiful, we also have the humpback whales swimming around the rock but not as close as we want them to be but that keeps the guests in good spirits hoping for the whales to come to the dive site.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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