NUS Anchored at 19 17.4N-110 48.2W at the Canyon, San Benedicto. Sky partly cloudy, Wind NW 5kn and NW 2 ft seas in anchorage. Dive 1 at the Fondeadero was the warm up dive with all the guests ok. Vis 30 ft, No Current, temp 74F,1 chevron manta and a few Galapagos and Silvertips sharks.
Second dive at the Canyon vis Better up to 100 ft, no current and 74F temp. Diving like the old times with big school of Hammerheads very close to the rocks and we can see their eyes, big Galapagos and silvertip sharks by the cleaning station. All guests happy and ready to go after lunch for more hammerheads.
Plan for tomorrow we can check after the last dive if all divers are ready for Roca.