Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Explorer โ€“ 2023-03-25

NEX at Cabo Pearce today along with Belle Amie and Valentina. Wind is strong today, N’ly 15-20kts with 5-6′ wind waves at the point, although comfortable in the anchorage. Sky is partly cloudy, air temp 26C.
Despite the wind, the diving has been excellent, with Tiger sharks, schooling hammerheads and lots of manta lovin’. On dive 2 especially the mantas were everywhere, we counted 9 very sociable giant mantas. In the words of one guest, “it was goin’ off down there!”. Current has been moderate, viz around 20m, water temp 23C.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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