Captain’s Noon Reports – Gallant Lady – 2023-04-03

We are right now just north of La Reina, following a big pod of common dolphins for the last hour that the airplane spotted North of Cerralvo. usually these dolphins are hard to approach in the water, but today they were cooperative and all of our guests could see them snorkling. This morning we went up and down the bay of la ventana but only found scattered mobulas, no schools. we encountered a humpback whale with her calf that the rhib was able to approach for some whalewatching. A guest brought an hydrophone onboard, so we tried to listen for the song, yet both whales were silent. Plan for the rest of the day is to cross to the east side of Espiritu Santo and spent the late afternoon there hoping for mobulas encounters with the support of the airplane.
Yesterday the guest went on their first check out dive by punta perico. All guests are confortable in the water and enjoyed the eels, the octopus, crown of thornes and all the reef fish. Water was 57 to 71 fahrenheit.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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