19-17.7N 110-48.6W
Anchored Isla San Benedicto at CAnyon
Winds NW 15-20, Sea 2-4′, skies 40% cirrus, in water vis 40-50′, no current, temp 75F
We had one more dive yesterday at boiler. It was pretty uneventful. One manta cruised by in the distance and otherwise it was just the fish that hang out around the rock. But still the guests enjoyed the day of diving. We moved to the canyon after our thrid dive and anchored up for the night. Winds picked up through the night and when we woke today we had 15-20 knots blowing from the NNW. WE made three dives here today. This group only likes to do three per day. All three dives were good, with medium visibility and plenty of shark activity at the cleaning station. ON dive 2 a black manta came along and hung out with most of the divers for the second half of the dive.