Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Belle Amie โ€“ 2023-04-05

18-46.6N 110-54.6W

Anchored Isla Socorro at Cabo Pearce
Winds N @10-15knt, seas outside anchorage N 3-4′, skies clear, in water visibility is 20-30m, temp 75F, no current

We arrived here to anchor last night around 2000 and had a good calm night on the hook. We woke up this morning to very nice conditions inside the bay, but still some strong winds outside.

We started our diving today at 0800 with an easy dive inside the bay along the wall to allow a yacht to make one dive on the finger. Conditions on that dive were ideal and two mantas were spotted, even though our divers did not get out to eh “hot spot.”

For dive number two, we dropped just south of the UNESCO plate and the mantas were present during the entire dive. One diver claimed she saw 40, but I’m not sure about that! In any case, everybody came up from the dive extremely happy and excited with the experience, asking for more.

Our plan is for two more dives here this afternoon. After that, we will decide what we should do for tomorrow. Since the guests are flying out from Socorro on the morning of the 8th, tomorrow will be our last full day of diving. Conditions for Roca do not look good with 7โ€“8-foot seas. I think the best diving will be here at Pearce for a second day, but we will see what the group wants.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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