Captain’s Noon Reports – Undersea – 2023-04-05

We are in front of the navy base waiting for our routine inspection. We did two dives in Cabo Pearce and both dives were pretty good. The weather conditions are better today with the wind at 8kts NW and little waves in the morning.

There was a lot of manta action and the big school of hammerheads came around again. Guest Faviola got back into the water and some saw Galapagos sharks and heard the whales singing. All the guests loved Cabo Pearce. Visibility was changing a lot, averaging about 50ft. The upwelling kept bringing cold water up, leading to low visibility which was good as I explained to some of the guests. In such cases, the sharks need to be close to be able to see you.
The air temperature is 73F same as the water with clear skies. Inside the cove, conditions are good for both the boat and divers.
We will try to make another dive in the afternoon if the navy answers their radio.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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