Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2023-04-10

Good afternoon, all.

NEX anchored at San Benedicto. Diving the canyon, sunny day but a little bit windy, dive conditions are good, viz around 20 meters and the water temperature is 25 Celsius.

We arrived here around midnight and today after we finished launching the skiffs we started with our check dive at Fondeadero. All went well and divers had no problems with their buoyancy.

During dive 1 they saw a few Galapagos sharks. One of the groups saw a manta passing by and many lobsters. Dive 2 was excellent for our guests. The cleaning station was loaded with sharks, plenty of them. When I picked up the last group from the water at the end of the dive all of them were cheering and screaming because in their words they saw a huge school of hammerheads, for sure more than 100. At this moment dive 3 is going on and we will have a fourth after which there will be a cocktail hour and taco night.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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